Monday, March 26, 2012

Land Shark

There used to be a "SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE" skit called "LAND SHARK". It had a guy dressed up in a SHARK suit who would knock on people's doors pretending to be the pizza boy, delivery man etc. to get the inhabitants of the house to open the door. When he would finally convince them that he was anyone BUT the "LAND SHARK" they would open the door and he would eat them. I had a similar occurrence at my house. Whit and Murphy LOVE to go into Griffin's room- it's like the WARDROBE in the Narnia books- a whole world of fun and danger on the other side especially if Griffin catches them in there. One evening they were trying sooooo hard to get Griffin to let them. This is what I heard from downstairs:

Knock-Knock (no answer)
Whit: "Pizza Boy" (no answer)
Knock-Knock (no answer)
Whit: "Present Man" (no answer)
Knock-Knock (no answer)
Whit: "Beautiful flowers for Griffin" (no answer)

Since Griffin was not responding to their knocking they resorted to stuffing "gifts" under Griffin's door (mostly plastic food from the pretend food basket). Unfortunately, they did not succeed in gaining entrance- they got BOUNCED- but they were very persistent and they usually find a way to get in there when Griffin is not at home.


Somebody's knocking at the door


Trying to "bribe" their way in with plastic food


"Gifts" for Griffin under his door- looks like the door could use some touch-up work

1 comment:

Kalyn said...

I think this is one of the funniest stories ever!