Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Lake Living (at least for the day)

lake from kelly markland on Vimeo.

We spent a day at the lake over the weekend. The kids can't get enough of it- me on the other hand- I am DONE after 2 hours. It is not because I don't think it is fun it just makes me a STRESSED OUT basket case! Too many little bodies floating around in deep water with lots of other boats around. I am not usually so crazy but I have decided it is hard enough keeping them alive on dry land why add in the extra dangers of water and fast moving boat propellers? I guess I am just a landlubber! Despite my anxiety and stress we had fun and I am sure the kids are ready to go out again ASAP. Fortunately for me it probably won't be for another 9-12 months (thank goodness!).

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