Friday, January 21, 2011

Murphy @ 9 months


Everything in the Mouth




Looking for the dogs water bowl to play in



Lots of standing and cruising around furniture


Murphy ALWAYS takes one sock off when he is in his seat


Typical Male- He needs the tv remote

Oh my Goodness! Murphy is 9 months old. He went for his check-up and I realized that at his next visit he will be ONE! How does time go by so quickly. He is still a big boy weighing almost 21 lbs. and almost 30 inches tall. He is very BUSY and crawls, stands, cruises, climbs steps and generally gets into a lot of stuff. He has even figured out how to escape from the exersaucer! Now I can only contain him in his crib or highchair- let's hope he can't get out of those for a while. He is still not a good sleeper, I would say he is rivaling Griffin and Carson for worst baby in this department but he is so darn happy when he is awake so it obviously doesn't bother him. I, on the other hand am not so cheerful without sleep. He is also at the point where he puts EVERYTHING in his mouth. I really don't like this stage because I have to watch him like a hawk which is sometimes hard to do with 6 other kids running around. He still likes food and is now able to eat most things. He LOVES balls and rolls them around on the floor and chases them. He also LOVES the dogs' water bowl so I have at least one puddle to clean up everyday. I fear that he is only going to get "busier" over the next few months and before I know it that baby is going to be running around with his brothers terrorizing all of us!

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