Monday, January 3, 2011

Cupcake Wars


Winter Wonderland versus Minty Chocolate Delight



Reese & Hadley- A match made in "heaven"


Carson filling her cupcakes

OK! So the girls LOVE to watch the food network. Especially all of those challenge shows. So they decided to have their own "CUPCAKE WAR". It was Hadley and Reese vs. Carson and Brett. Don't know how they came up with those teams but I am happy to say that Reese and Hadley didn't throw one another into the "fire". They came up with their themes and they got what they needed and the competition began. They both turned out great! I judged aesthetics and Kevin judged taste. Not surprisingly, a tie was declared much to the kids chagrin but I couldn't deal with any arguments so we wimped out and called a it a draw. They plan to do another one as soon as we finish the FOUR dozen cupcakes we have! 

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