Murphy is moving ever so close to the 2 year mark. The time when you stop counting age in months and just count in year or half year increments. The time when we start to say goodbye to most of the "baby" stuff- diapers, pacifiers, crib (maybe not, I think we'll keep him in there until he is 14). I really don't know what I am going to do with myself when that happens! It has been the norm around here that as one kid is aging out of the "baby" stage we had someone new to fill that position. We are treading in new territory here! I don't know if that makes me happy or sad- I guess a little of both. But there is no stopping it so here is what Murphy has been up to this month:
Two "Speech Encouragement" sessions per week- so convenient in my dull,boring life. Just wondering? In todays world of texting and e-mailing do you REALLY need to be able to talk? No one actually talks to anyone anymore!
Lots of ball throwing, kicking, chasing
Lots of screaming- he doesn't like to talk but by no means does this mean he is QUIET! He and Whit get in to screaming contests- usually in the car- talk about a HEADACHE!!!
Lots of eating- yogurt is his fave right now especially if he can feed it to himself and get it all over the place.
Lots of mess-making- specializes in dumping buckets of toys, emptying drawers and pulling the entire contents of bookshelves onto the floor.
Lots of jumping- on the trampoline, on beds, off of tables
Lots of admiring himself in the mirror
Lots of bathing- whenever he hears running water he starts to strip off all of his clothing so he can jump in the bath or shower.