Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Murphy @ 20 months







Murphy continues to grow and do new things as he approaches 2. He is VERY active and BUSY (that means BAD). He is constantly getting into "trouble" and is a walking demolition crew. He dumps the dogs' water bowl out at least once a day. He unrolls toilet paper rolls, gets into the pantry and empties what he can reach onto the kitchen floor, pours out bottles of shampoo on the carpet, dumps puzzle boxes everywhere etc. He lays in wait hoping someone will leave a full drink on the table so he can go and knock it over. He gets into the dog food and grabs handfuls and runs around the house with the dogs in hot pursuit as he tosses pieces on the floor for them to eat. He is definitely a handful! Thankfully he is cute or he would be looking for a new home. Let's hope he is hitting the "Terrible 2's" early because if it gets more "terrible" I might explode.

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