Sunday, September 18, 2011

Murphy @ 17 months

Wild Man Murphy

Murphy pointing to his belly

One of his favorite things- the bike

Murphy is definitely all BOY!
His hair is always all over the place, he is always dirty 
and he always has a bruise or scrap somewhere on his body.
He loves to be outside and he loves to ride the bike.
He even tries to bring the bike into the house so he can do some laps (the dogs LOVE that).
He is very verbal, unfortunately he speaks another language. 
He has added a few words to his vocabulary that include:
 NO, BUBBLE, CAR and a version of PAISLEY.
His love of balls continues and he has a pretty mean fastball- trust me I have taken a few off of my face!
He loves to wave at all the cars that drive by our house and he loves the dogs.
He does have quite a temper and is working on perfecting his tantrum.
He keeps us busy with his climbing, rearranging and reorganizing of things around the house.
Nap time and bedtime are beautiful. It gives us a chance to catch our breath and put things back in order.
He is starting to "play" with Whit but he usually ends up "messing up" something and therefore being removed from the scene. I am sure that we improve with time.
He is very BUSY but sweet so I guess we will keep him for another month!

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