Monday, December 20, 2010

Murphy @ 8 Months


High Chairs, Cheerios and Sippy Cups



My 1st Christmas



Starting to pull up on things! OH NO!


Murphy is 8 months old! He is getting very BUSY (code word for TROUBLE)! He moves at top speed across the floor, has started pulling up on things and has even taken a step holding on to the play shopping cart. This is NOT a good thing in my book. He LOVES to eat- especially CHEERIOS and is good with a sippy cup so he will lose his bottles soon. He is still waking up most nights- another NOT so good thing in my book! But he is very happy and content most of the time. He loves to scream and mimic the big kids noises. His favorite "toy" is the dogs water bowl and it usually gets spilled at least once a day. He has 2 bottom teeth and has experimented with biting once or twice. He is a chubby guy but still not as chubby as Griffin was. He is a sweetie and always has a smile to share.

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