Thursday, December 31, 2009

Ok. So it is the last day of 2009 and I am sure a lot of people are trying to come up with their New Years Resolutions. You know lose 10 pounds, eat better, stop smoking etc. Well I have come across a few blogs that suggest that instead of making a resolution that you will probably ditch by Valentine's Day you pick one WORD that you focus on throughout the year to help you accomplish goals, become a better person, focus on what is important etc. For example, I read on one blog that instead of having the "resolution" to "Get Organized" you instead focus on the word "RELEASE" to help inspire you in a bigger way than simply "Get Organized" does. It helps you "release" more than just physical clutter and get rid of other non-physical things that may be holding you back. Anyway, I sort-of like the idea so I am going to give it a try. I have thought about a word and I have come up with "PRESENT". Not as in a gift but to be "PRESENT". As Webster's defines it: now existing or in progress; being in view or at hand; ATTENTIVE. In other words, to be "PRESENT" where I am at that moment and enjoy it. Too often I find myself somewhere but I am thinking about my NEXT stop or the NEXT task I have to accomplish instead of being "PRESENT" where I am. I need to live more in the moment and not always be focused on what I think I need to do next that may or may not be as important as what I am doing right NOW! Come to think of it, if I can be PRESENT more, it will be like giving myself and those around me a "PRESENT" or gift of my undivided attention and I think I will enjoy things more. So, that is my word of the year. I am going to try to be more "PRESENT" in the things I do. Of course, I still need to look ahead and stay organized so that my laundry gets done and my kids get to school but when that stuff is taken care of I will try to focus on being PRESENT as much as possible. Sorry for the rambling. Good Luck with your resolutions or focus WORD.

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